Windows WindowsPhone

Windows10 PC/Mobile Previw 14905 更新内容

Windows10 InsiderのFast Ringユーザー向けに

14905 Buildの配信が始まりました。






  • Microsoft Edgeで新しいタブを開いてトップに戻ったとき、アドレスバーとコンテンツの間に空白が表示される不具合を修正
  • CTRL+ALT+ENDを利用するときにナレーターモードを対応
  • EdgeでCTRL+0などのキーボードショートカットに対応
  • Windows Inkでクラッシュする不具合を修正



  • Support for kernel debugging over 1394 has been removed, but will be available in an upcoming kit release. A work-around will be posted to the Debugging Tools for Windows Blog shortly.
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader crashes when you try to launch it.
  • Cortana's text to speech capabilities is not working in this build. For example, Cortana won't be able to read text messages out loud for you, tell jokes, sing, or give verbal prompts.
  • When clicking on the power button on the Start menu, it closes the Start menu without opening the flyout with restart/shutdown options appearing. As a workaround – you can right-click on the Start button (or WIN + X) and choose to shutdown via this menu instead.
  • Apps such as Yahoo Mail, Trivia Crack, Google and the Skype Translator Preview app will crash in this build due to a compatibility issue from a recent platform change.
  • The Settings app may crash on certain editions of Windows 10 when navigating to different settings pages due to a missing .dll file. We are working on getting this fixed soon.



  • 不在着信通知の動作を変更しテキストなどで通知するようになりました
  • ビデオ通話を着信したときにWindowsPhone8アプリが上手く動作しなくなる不具合を修正
  • We fixed an issue where, if "Show my caller ID" is set to "My contacts", the contact being called might still see a blocked caller ID.
  • ロック画面がタイムゾーンの変更後更新に失敗する不具合を修正
  • 地図を開いているときに電話がかかってきて電話を終了した際に地図のターンバイターンが上手く動作しない不具合を修正



  • If you move apps between a SD card and internal storage (either direction), those apps will get stuck in a pending state. The workaround to get your apps working again is to uninstall the app through Settings > System > Storage (apps cannot be uninstalled from All apps list). Then you can re-install the app from the Store.
  • Cortana's text to speech capabilities is not working in this build. For example, Cortana won't be able to read text messages out loud for you, tell jokes, sing, or give verbal prompts.


FREETEL KATANA01 ブラック/Windows10
売り上げランキング: 30,768





-Windows, WindowsPhone
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