マイクロソフトは人気FPS Haloに追加マップを含む
・新しいウォーゾーンマップ skimish at darkstarを追加
・新しいアリーナマップ tyrantを追加
・スパルタンカンパニーメンバー向けのActive roster?を追加
・Armory base geometryで隠れられるバグを修正
- お気に入りのフレンドがActive Rosterの上位に表示
- 途中参加の時にREQの状態がおかしいことがある問題を修正
- Reduced instances where the assaulting team could be spawn blocked on Warzone Assault maps
- Fixed issues with invisible environment boundaries allowing vehicles to push players out of normal map boundaries
- Fixed issue where some players who had recently dealt damage to a Boss did not receive Takedown credit when the Boss was killed by a teammate
- SWATプレイリストにSWAT DMRを追加
- ラウンド終了時の結果が表示されないバグを修正
- SWAT game type options have been balanced to allow for even weighting between Magnums, BRs, and DMRs
- Gravity Hammerをグリフボールのデフォルト装備に変更
- Reduced Boss Takedown damage requirement from 10% to 1%
- Random Weapon and Random Vehicle REQs can now unlock the most up-to-date REQs, including those from Ghosts of Meridian
- Daily Win Bonus Packs can now unlock the most up-to-date single-use REQs, including those from Ghost of Meridian
- Players can now “ping” their location in a game when alive to alert teammates by pressing UP on the d-pad in Warzone or Arena
- Fixed an issue that caused explosive barrels to not be explosive when the Deathless option is turned on in Custom Games
- シールドに対してスパルタンレーザーが設定値より高いダメージを与えていた問題を修正
- Fixed a bug where damage dealt to Gungoose Cannons did not properly transfer damage to the rest of the vehicle. (The Spartan Laser is excited about this change, too)
- Mantis armor has been increased
- Reduced the explosion radius of the Whiplash
- Needler projectiles now do damage to Wraith and Scorpion weak points
- Fixed an issue where Rail Gun aiming light can be seen through geometry
- Fixed server crashes surrounding picking up powerups
- Fixed a bug that made picking up powerups impossible
- With Speed Boost activated, Spartan Charging now kills upon impact
- Hydra Launcher now only locks onto the torso of enemy Spartans
- Fixed a bug that allowed players to perform a Spartan Charge after performing a Thrust in mid-air
- Fixed a bug with Phaeton damage regions that resulted in incorrect weak spot hit markers
- Slightly reduced bloom for the Halo: CE Pistol
- Improved readability of shields popping immediately after they begin to recharge
- Lowered the damage of an uncharged Plasma Pistol shot when fired upon a Ghost’s weak point
- Fixed a bug that did not allow Ball holders to pick up grenades
- Fixed a bug with Advanced Sensors’ speed threshold that caused players to show up on radar in some cases where they were not moving at Sprint/Thrust speed or faster
New & Updated Features:
- Weather Effects added to map properties [Rain, Snow, Dust, Embers, Papers, Motes]
- Sound Effects added to extras menu
- Starting energy can now be adjusted on weapon
- Starting energy and clips can now be adjusted for weapons on weapon pads
New Assets:
- props> cover> style> plated>
- Cover: Plated [3x12x12; forge]
- Cover: Plated [3x12x12; torque]
- Cover: Plated [3x12x16; forge]
- Cover: Plated [3x12x16; torque]
- Cover: Plated [3x16x8; forge]
- Cover: Plated [3x16x8; torque]
- Cover: Plated [3x16x12; forge]
- Cover: Plated [3x16x12; torque]
- Cover: Plated [4x12x4.5; forge]
- Cover: Plated [4x12x4.5; torque]
- Cover: Plated [5x16x12; forge]
- Cover: Plated [5x16x12; torque]
- natural> trees> fulls>
- Tree: Full [34x36x44; acacia; glacier]
- Tree: Full [38x40x52; acacia; glacier]
- Tree: Full [42x46x44; acacia; glacier]
- Tree: Full [55x52x70; acacia; glacier]
- Tree: Full [72x70x72; acacia; glacier]
- Tree: Full [60x70x94; acacia; glacier]
- Tree: Full [75x95x95; acacia; glacier]
- natural> plants> ivy>
- Plant: Ivy [10x10; glacier]
- Plant: Ivy [20x20; glacier]
- Plant: Ivy [10x10; glacier; top]
- Plant: Ivy [20x10; glacier; top]
- natural> plants> bushes>
- Plant: Bush [4x4x3; glacier]
- Plant: Bush [8x8x6; glacier]
- Plant: Bush [8x8x8; glacier]
- Plant: Bush [16x16x16; glacier]
- natural> plants> grass>
- Plant: Grass [2x3; glacier]
- Plant: Grass [4x6; glacier]
- Plant: Grass [6x6; glacier]
- natural> trees> fulls>
- Tree: Full [34x36x44; acacia; alpine]
- Tree: Full [38x40x52; acacia; alpine]
- Tree: Full [42x46x44; acacia; alpine]
- Tree: Full [55x52x70; acacia; alpine]
- Tree: Full [72x70x72; acacia; alpine]
- Tree: Full [60x70x94; acacia; alpine]
- Tree: Full [75x95x95; acacia; alpine]
- natural> plants> ivy>
- Plant: Ivy [10x10; alpine]
- Plant: Ivy [20x20; alpine]
- Plant: Ivy [10x10; alpine; top]
- Plant: Ivy [20x10; alpine; top]
- gameplay> shields> type> two-way>
- Shield: Two-Way [8x48]
- Shield: Two-Way [16x48]
- Shield: Two-Way [24x48]
- Shield: Two-Way [32x48]
- Shield: Two-Way [48x48]
- Shield: Two-Way [64x24]
- Shield: Two-Way [64x48]
- gameplay> gravity-vols> type> invisible>
- Gravity Volume [8x8x16; invisible]
- Gravity Volume [16x16x32; invisible]
- Gravity Volume [32x32x64; invisible]
- Gravity Volume [64x64x128; invisible]
- Gravity Volume [128x128x256; invisible]
- Gravity Volume [128x256x128; invisible]
- Gravity Volume [256x256x256; invisible]
- gameplay> gravity-vols> type> visible>
- Gravity Volume [8x8x16; visible]
- Gravity Volume [16x16x32; visible]
- Gravity Volume [32x32x64; visible]
- Gravity Volume [64x64x128; visible]
- Gravity Volume [128x128x256; visible]
- Gravity Volume [128x256x128; visible]
- Gravity Volume [256x256x256; visible]
- gameplay> shields> type> one-way>
- Shield: One-Way [8x24]
- Shield: One-Way [8x48]
- Shield: One-Way [16x24]
- Shield: One-Way [16x48]
- Shield: One-Way [24x24]
- Shield: One-Way [24x48]
- Shield: One-Way [32x24]
- Shield: One-Way [32x48]
- Shield: One-Way [48x24]
- Shield: One-Way [48x48]
- Shield: One-Way [64x24]
- Shield: One-Way [64x48]
- gameplay> shields> type> emitters>
- Shield [3x3x24; emitter]
- Shield [3x3x48; emitter]
- gameplay> shields> type> generators>
- Shield [4x4x48; generator]
- gameplay> shields> type> corners>
- Shield [8x8x48; generator; corner]
- structures> accents> doors>
- Accent: Door [2x14x17; forge]
- Accent: Door [2x14x17; torque]
- primitives> rings>
- Ring: 16' [56x56x8; half]
- Ring: 16' [56x56x8; quarter]
- Ring: 16' [56x56x8; eighth]
- Ring: 16' [56x56x16; half]
- Ring: 16' [56x56x16; quarter]
- Ring: 16' [56x56x16; eighth]
- Ring: 16' [56x56x20; half]
- Ring: 16' [56x56x20; quarter]
- Ring: 16' [56x56x20; eighth]
- Ring: 16' [64x64x20; half]
- Ring: 16' [64x64x20; quarter]
- Ring: 16' [64x64x20; eighth]
- natural> plants> grass>
- Plant: Grass [2x3; alpine]
- Plant: Grass [4x6; alpine]
- Plant: Grass [6x6; alpine]
- natural> plants> bushes>
- Plant: Bush [4x4x3; alpine]
- Plant: Bush [8x8x6; alpine]
- Plant: Bush [8x8x8; alpine]
- Plant: Bush [16x16x16; alpine]
- props> exploding>
- Fusion Barrel [Forerunner; 3x3x4; red; exploding]
- Fusion Barrel [Forerunner; 3x3x4; blue; exploding]
- props> construction> canisters>
- Canister [8x2x4; stand]
- Canister [18x2x4; stand]
- Canister [9x46x9; single]
- props> urban> vending>
- Soda Can [1x1x1.5; forge; a]
- Soda Can [1x1x1.5; forge; b]
- props> holograms>
- Hologram [7x5x12; station; blue]
- Hologram [7x5x12; station; red]
- extras> sounds> alarm>
- Sound: Alarm [small]
- Sound: Alarm [medium]
- Sound: Alarm [large]
- extras> sounds> urban>
- Sound: Urban [traffic]
- Sound: Urban [construction]
- extras> sounds> crowd>
- Sound: Crowd [walla]
- Sound: Crowd [cheer; small]
- Sound: Crowd [cheer; large]
- Sound: Crowd [cheer; chant]
- Sound: Crowd [boos]
- extras> sounds> nature>
- Sound: Nature [ledge; debris]
- Sound: Nature [wind; gust]
- Sound: Nature [wood; groans]
- Sound: Nature [lava; small]
- Sound: Nature [lava; medium]
- extras> sounds> water>
- Sound: Water [drips; slow]
- Sound: Water [drips; fast]
- Sound: Water [bubbles; thick]
- Sound: Water [bubbles; fast]
- Sound: Water [wall; light]
- Sound: Water [wall; heavy]
- Sound: Water [rain; window]
- Sound: Water [river; small]
- Sound: Water [river; medium]
- Sound: Water [river; large]
- Sound: Water [waterfall; small]
- Sound: Water [waterfall; medium]
- Sound: Water [waterfall; large]
- Sound: Water [waves; laps]
- Sound: Water [waves; ocean]
- Sound: Water [underwater]
- extras> sounds> animals>
- Sound: Animal [cat; fight]
- Sound: Animal [piggy; grunts]
- Sound: Animal [piggy; startled]
- Sound: Animal [piggy; angry]
- Sound: Animal [whale; calls]
- extras> sounds> covenant>
- Sound: Covenant [chant]
- extras> sounds> horror>
- Sound: Horror [stinger]
- Sound: Horror [movements; forest]
- Sound: Horror [movements; cave]
- Sound: Horror [scream; distant]
- Sound: Horror [impacts; distant]
- Sound: Horror [ghost; moan]
- Sound: Horror [ghost; goofy]
- extras> blockers> type> vehicle>
- Blocker: Vehicle [1x1]
- Blocker: Vehicle [1x2]
- Blocker: Vehicle [2x2]
- Blocker: Vehicle [2x4]
- Blocker: Vehicle [4x4]
- Blocker: Vehicle [4x8]
- Blocker: Vehicle [8x8]
- Blocker: Vehicle [8x16]
- Blocker: Vehicle [16x16]
- Blocker: Vehicle [16x32]
- Blocker: Vehicle [32x32]
- Blocker: Vehicle [32x64]
- Blocker: Vehicle [64x64]
- Blocker: Vehicle [64x128]
- Blocker: Vehicle [128x128]
Bug fixes, Tweaks, & Cleanup:
- Fixed issues where objects would become almost completely black when placed under certain conditions
- Fixed an issue that would prevent Forgers from being able to save a map until they restarted Halo 5: Guardians
- Fixed a bug where objects would randomly rotate when opening the objects property menu
- Objects moved via scripting will respect, “Reset Object Position” commands
- Fixed bugs surrounding welding, especially when welding to animated machines (i.e. pistons)
- Fixed Magnets for Wall 2x64x4 base variant
- Fixed various object LOD (level of detail) issues
- Grav volumes:
- Fixed dimensions of some grav volumes that were intended to be wider than tall, and vice versa
- Fixed magnets on some grav volumes
- Grav volumes can no longer be selected from the top, making it easier pick up objects inside them
- Fixed an issue with Phased/Fixed crates despawning incorrectly
- Crates despawned via scripting now correctly respawn on “Respawn All Objects”
- Locked objects can no longer be accidentally deleted
- Fixed an issue that caused FX to stop working after the first round in round based game types
- Fixed an issue where changes to a script’s properties wouldn’t take effect right after changing the script’s type
- Fixed an issue where opening the object properties menu, rotation edit is applied and is incorrect
- Added length, width, and height organization to Shields and Grav volumes to help organize the increased quantity of those objects
- One-way and Two-way shields respawn time can now be adjusted with the respawn properties. NOTE: All previously placed shields will no longer respawn unless updated. To replicate original behavior, set respawn timer to 10 seconds (default)
- All objects in props>exploding now do consistent damage when destroyed
- Fixed an issue that caused weapons and power ups to block players when set to Phased or Fixed
売り上げランキング: 3,492
売り上げランキング: 51