HALO5の最新のアップデート、Anvil's lgacyの配信が開始となりました。
New Features and Updates:
- Halo 5: Forge released for Windows 10 PC
- Halo app released for Windows 10 PC
- New Arena map added – Mercy
- New Warzone Assault map added – Temple
- Content Browser added
- New Arena map added – Mercy
- Fiesta updated with latest REQ weapons
- Super Fiesta added to Custom Games
- Vehicle weapons are properly taken into account when determining player spawn location
- New Warzone Assault map added – Temple
- Vehicle weapons are properly taken into account when determining player spawn location
- Base shield doors should no longer appear yellow at times
- Updated Escape from ARC to use correct version of Grunt Goblin
- Fixed Spawn locations in the Monument on Battle of Noctus
- Removed Beam Rifles from Jackals on Raid on Apex 7 (Jackal Snipers still OP)
- Fixed bug where gates could be reopened on Prospect
- Fixed Warthogs on Battle of Noctus not exploding when the boss is killed
- Fixed various text and audio related to bosses
Warzone Firefight:
- Increased vitality of Protect Core objects in Round 3 on Urban
- Adjusted Warden spawn locations in Round 5 objective on March on Stormbreak
- Adjusted Warden spawn locations in Round 5 objective on Urban
- Adjusted various enemy compositions for objectives across all maps
- Fixed issue where boss would escape the Mantis during boss encounter on Skirmish at Darkstar
AI Enemy tuning:
- Fixed a bug that allowed shooting through the Grunt Goblin Cockpit to headshot the pilot
- Reduced Grunt Goblin Shield Canopy health
- Fixed a bug affecting Grunt Goblin Dual Needler supercombine damage (should no longer one shot Scorpions and Wraiths)
- Reduced Grunt Goblin Needle Barrage supercombine damage (should no longer one shot Wasps and Ghosts)
- Fixed Grunt Goblin Needle Barrage needles sometimes vanishing and then reappearing under high latency
- Increased Grunt Goblin and Warden mass to prevent a boosting Wraith from launching them out of environment
- Fixed a bug that caused a Knight to randomly die while being shot in the head (does not affect headshots when the faceplate is gone or is open during an animation)
- Fixed certain Knight bosses being unable to hit targets at a distance with Incineration Cannons
- Made minor increases to health/shields for Legendary Elite, Soldier, and Knight
- Fixed Soldiers not reacting to taking damage (this bug made weapons feel much less effective)
- Reduced Soldier damage as a Gunner in a Warthog
- Fixed certain damage sources being able to chain stun Warzone bosses
- Fixed a bug where the Flag and Ball would disappear when dropped on pistons
- Fixed a bug where the game would not respect some custom game settings when leaving and rejoining a game in progress
- Updated Wasp reticle to more accurately represent chaingun spread
- Fixed a bug with Phaeton getting set to phased physics in Forge
- Fixed a bug with the weak spots on Wraiths and Scorpions not properly being obstructed
- Fixed a bug where you could board the Mantis from the front
- Fixed a bug surrounding foot stomp damage on the Mantis
- Fixed a rare bug where some rockets could get stuck to Spartans and not detonate
- Fixed a bug with the Spartan Charge targeting enemies at extreme angles
- Buffed Jorge's Chaingun
New and Updated Features:
- Content Browser - Share files (maps, game variants, etc.) easily with the entire Forge community
- Forge Prefabs - When inside Forge, open the object pallet and select {PREFABS} to open the Content Browser to select a Prefab to place
- Directional Duplication - Hold down d-pad right to duplicate and use the right analog stick to pick which face of the target object the duplicate object will be created
- Vehicle Welding [beta] - is now official! Weld objects together with vehicles to make your own new creations
- "Per vehicle camera distance" added to Forge vehicle properties
New Objects:
gameplay > weapons >
- Magnum [Gunfighter]
- Magnum [Tactical]
- Magnum [Whispered Truth]
- Shotgun [Blaze of Glory]
- Shotgun [Oathsworn]
- Hydra Launcher [Echidna]
- SAW [The Answer]
- Rocket Launcher [High Five]
- Rocket Launcher: SPNKr [Ex]
- Rocket Launcher: SPNKr [Prime]
- Sniper Rifle [Arrow of Time]
- Sniper Rifle [Nornfang]
- Railgun [Whiplash]
- Spartan Laser [Selene's Lance]
- Storm Rifle [Blissful Slumber]
- Carbine [Blood of Suban]
- Plasma Pistol [Spitfire]
- Energy Sword [Vorpal Talon]
- Energy Sword [Prophets' Bane]
- Needler [Talon of the Lost]
- Beam Rifle [Krith's Left Hand]
- Beam Rifle: Halo 2 [Delta]
- Fuel Rod Cannon [Pool of Radiance]
- Plasma Caster [White Scar]
- Hunter Arm [Wicked Grasp]
- Hunter Arm [Berserker's Claw]
- Boltshot [Open Hand]
- Suppressor [Razor's Edge]
- LightRifle [Dying Star]
- Scattershot [Didact's Signet]
- Binary Rifle [Twin Jewels of Maethrillian]
- Incineration Cannon [Heartseeker]
- Plasma Rifle: Brute: Halo 2 [Scale of Soirapt]
- Gravity Hammer [Grinder]
- Gravity Hammer [Tartarus' Gavel]
gameplay > turrets >
- Turret: Chaingun [Oni; detached]
- Turret: Rocket [Oni; detached]
- Turret: Gauss [Oni; detached]
gameplay> powerups>
- Power-Up [speed boost; 2]
- Power-Up [speed boost; 3]
- Power-Up [active camo; 2]
- Power-Up [active camo; 3]
- Power-Up [damage boost; 2]
- Power-Up [damage boost; 3]
- Power-Up [overshield; 2]
- Power-Up [overshield; 3]
gameplay> vehicles> type> land>
- Warthog: Chaingun [Oni]
- Warthog: Chaingun [Sword]
- Warthog: Gauss [Oni]
- Warthog: Rocket [Oni]
- Warthog: Rocket [Vespin]
- Warthog: Scout [Oni]
- Scorpion [Oni]
- Scorpion [Hannibal]
- Mantis [Oni]
- Mantis [Hannibal]
- Ghost [Ultra]
- Ghost [Temple]
- Wraith [Ultra]
- Wraith [Temple]
gameplay> vehicles> type> air>
- Banshee [Ultra]
- Banshee [Temple]
- Phaeton [Helios]
gameplay> launchers> mancannons>
- Man Cannon [Sangheili; red]
- Man Cannon [Sangheili; blue]
gameplay> gravity-vols> type> slides>
- Gravity: Slide [2x4; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [2x8; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [2x16; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [2x32; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [2x64; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [2x128; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [4x4; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [4x8; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [4x16; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [4x32; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [4x64; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [4x128; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [8x4; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [8x8; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [8x16; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [8x32; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [8x64; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [8x128; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [16x4; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [16x8; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [16x16; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [16x32; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [16x64; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [16x128; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [32x4; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [32x8; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [32x16; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [32x32; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [32x64; visible]
- Gravity: Slide [32x128; visible]
gameplay> gravity-vols> type> bouncers>
- Gravity: Bouncer [4x4; visible]
- Gravity: Bouncer [8x8; visible]
- Gravity: Bouncer [12x12; visible]
- Gravity: Bouncer [16x16; visible]
- Gravity: Bouncer [20x20; visible]
- Gravity: Bouncer [24x24; visible]
- Gravity: Bouncer [32x32; visible]
- Gravity: Bouncer [48x48; visible]
- Gravity: Bouncer [64x64; visible]
gameplay> shields> type> colors>
- Shield: Colorable [8x24]
- Shield: Colorable [8x48]
- Shield: Colorable [16x24]
- Shield: Colorable [16x48]
- Shield: Colorable [24x24]
- Shield: Colorable [24x48]
- Shield: Colorable [32x24]
- Shield: Colorable [32x48]
- Shield: Colorable [48x24]
- Shield: Colorable [48x48]
- Shield: Colorable [64x24]
- Shield: Colorable [64x48]
props> cover> style> sandbag> walls>
- Cover: Sandbags [4x16x4.5; wall]
- Cover: Sandbags [4x32x4.5; wall]
- Cover: Sandbags [4x4x4.5; wall]
- Cover: Sandbags [4x64x4.5; wall]
- Cover: Sandbags [4x8x4.5; wall]
props> cover> style> sandbag> curves>
- Cover: Sandbags [16x16x4.5; curve]
- Cover: Sandbags [32x32x4.5; curve]
- Cover: Sandbags [8x8x4.5; curve]
props> cover> style> sandbag> slopes>
- Cover: Sandbags [4x16x4.5; slope]
- Cover: Sandbags [4x32x4.5; slope]
- Cover: Sandbags [4x8x4.5; slope]
props> cover> style> sandbag> stacks>
- Cover: Sandbags [12x12x8; stack]
- Cover: Sandbags [16x16x12; stack]
props> cover> style> sandbag> pallets>
- Cover: Sandbags [12x12x8; pallet]
- Cover: Sandbags [8x8x4.5; pallet]
props> cover> style> sandbag> extras>
- Cover: Sandbags [3x2x1; single]
- Cover: Sandbags [3x4x1; triple]
- Cover: Sandbags [8x8x4.5; pile]
props> destructible> boards>
- Board: Wood [2x8]
- Board: Wood [2x16]
- Board: Wood [4x8]
- Board: Wood [4x16]
props> creatures> guilty-spark>
- Guilty Spark [toy; standard]
- Guilty Spark [toy; Forge]
props> vehicles> phantom>
- Phantom [103x66x32; closed]
props> construction> pipes> corners>
- Pipe: Crouching [9x9x9; corner; 15]
- Pipe: Crouching [10x10x9; corner; 45]
- Pipe: Crouching [9x9x9; corner; 90]
props> construction> pipes> junctions>
- Pipe: Crouching [13x11x9; t-joint]
- Pipe: Crouching [13x13x9; x-joint]
props> construction> pipes> covers>
- Pipe: Crouching [9x3x9; cap]
- Pipe: Crouching [7x1x7; manhole]
- Pipe: Crouching [7x1x7; rebar]
props> construction> pipes> transitions>
- Pipe: Transition [12x8x12]
props> construction> pipes> corners>
- Pipe: Standing [13x13x12; corner; 15]
- Pipe: Standing [14x13x12; corner; 45]
- Pipe: Standing [13x13x12; corner; 90]
props> construction> pipes> junctions>
- Pipe: Standing [16x14x12; t-joint]
- Pipe: Standing [16x16x12; x-joint]
props> construction> pipes> covers>
- Pipe: Standing [12x3x12; cap]
- Pipe: Standing [10x1x10; manhole]
- Pipe: Standing [10x1x10; rebar]
props> construction> vents> corners>
- Vent [7x8x6; corner; 15]
- Vent [7x8x6; corner; 30]
- Vent [8x8x6; corner; 45]
- Vent [8x8x6; corner; 90]
props> construction> vents> junctions>
- Vent [10x8x6; t-joint]
- Vent [10x10x6; x-joint]
props> construction> vents> covers>
- Vent [1x6x6; cap]
- Vent [1x6x6; cover]
props> covenant> crates>
- Crate [2x4x1; Covenant]
- Crate [2x4x2; Covenant]
- Crate [3x3x3; Covenant]
props> covenant> cover>
- Cover [6x6x9; Covenant; a]
- Cover [6x6x9; Covenant; b]
- Cover [9x18x12; Covenant; trident]
props> covenant> accents>
- Accent [6x26x9; Covenant; blocker; left]
- Accent [6x26x9; Covenant; blocker; right]
- Accent [20x14x26; Covenant; plinth]
- Accent [20x16x17; Covenant; terminal; base]
- Accent [28x28x14; Covenant; terminal; top]
- Accent [25x12x20; Covenant; pillar]
- Accent [26x14x34; Covenant; pillar]
- Accent [94x44x72; Covenant; horn; left]
- Accent [94x44x72; Covenant; horn; right]
props> covenant> lights>
- Light [2x1x1; Covenant; sentry]
- Light [1x1x8; Covenant; portable]
- Light [4x4x3; Covenant; pod; full]
- Light [2x2x2; Covenant; pod; body]
- Light [1x1x2; Covenant; pod; leg]
- Light [8x8x6; Covenant; pod; full]
- Light [4x4x4; Covenant; pod; body]
- Light [3x1x5; Covenant; pod; leg]
props> covenant> destructible>
- Destructible [5x6x27; Covenant; antenna]
- Destructible [8x8x9; Covenant; fuel-tank]
- Destructible [8x10x22; Covenant; overload-station]
- Destructible [10x4x6; Covenant; fuel-cell]
props> covenant> weapon-pods>
- Weapon-Pod [07x08x10; Covenant; closed]
- Weapon-Pod [07x08x10; Covenant; body]
- Weapon-Pod [02x03x06; Covenant; door]
props> covenant> drop-pods>
- Drop-Pod [14x12x28; Covenant; closed]
- Drop-Pod [14x12x28; Covenant; body]
- Drop-Pod [08x03x14; Covenant; door]
props> covenant> monitors>
- Monitor: Screen [Covenant; 1; a]
- Monitor: Screen [Covenant; 1; b]
- Monitor: Screen [Covenant; 2; a]
- Monitor: Screen [Covenant; 2; b]
- Monitor: Screen [Covenant; 3; a]
- Monitor: Screen [Covenant; 3; b]
- Monitor: Screen [Covenant; 4; a]
- Monitor: Screen [Covenant; 4; b]
- Monitor: Screen [Covenant; 5]
- Monitor: Screen [Covenant; 6; a]
- Monitor: Screen [Covenant; 6; b]
- Monitor: Screen [Covenant; 7; a]
- Monitor: Screen [Covenant; 7; b]
props> covenant> monitor-elements>
- Monitor: Element [Covenant; 1]
- Monitor: Element [Covenant; 2; a]
- Monitor: Element [Covenant; 2; b]
- Monitor: Element [Covenant; 3; a]
- Monitor: Element [Covenant; 4; a]
- Monitor: Element [Covenant; 4; b]
- Monitor: Element [0; Covenant; 6; a]
- Monitor: Element [0; Covenant; 6; e]
- Monitor: Element [0; Covenant; 6; f]
- Monitor: Element [0; Covenant; 6; b]
- Monitor: Element [0; Covenant; 6; c]
- Monitor: Element [0; Covenant; 6; d]
- Monitor: Element [Covenant; marker; a]
- Monitor: Element [Covenant; marker; b]
- Monitor: Element [Covenant; marker; c]
- Monitor: Element [Covenant; marker; d]
- Monitor: Element [Covenant; marker; e]
- Monitor: Element [Covenant; marker; f]
- Monitor: Element [Covenant; graph; waves]
- Monitor: Element [Covenant; graph; a]
- Monitor: Element [Covenant; graph; b]
- Monitor: Element [Covenant; graph; c]
- Monitor: Element [Covenant; element]
- Monitor: Element [Covenant; hex]
- Monitor: Element [Covenant; planet]
props> covenant> shields>
- Shield [Covenant; portable]
- Shield [Covenant; generator; small]
- Shield [Covenant; generator; dome]
- Shield [Covenant; generator; curve-horizontal]
- Shield [Covenant; generator; curve-vertical]
- Shield [Covenant; generator; tall]
- Shield [Covenant; generator; wide]
- Shield [6x9x9; Covenant; generator; no shield]
extras> decals> cov-glyphs>
- Decal: Covenant: Glyph [8x8; standard; whole]
- Decal: Covenant: Glyph [8x8; standard; notched]
- Decal: Covenant: Glyph [8x8; standard; hollow]
- Decal: Covenant: Glyph [8x8; technical; whole]
- Decal: Covenant: Glyph [8x8; technical; notched]
- Decal: Covenant: Glyph [8x8; technical; hollow]
- Decal: Covenant: Glyph [8x8; transitional; whole]
- Decal: Covenant: Glyph [8x8; transitional; notched]
- Decal: Covenant: Glyph [8x8; transitional; hollow]
- Decal: Covenant: Glyph [8x8; tick; 1]
- Decal: Covenant: Glyph [8x8; tick; 2]
- Decal: Covenant: Glyph [8x8; tick; 3]
extras> fx> fire>
- FX: Fire [human; flames; x-small]
- FX: Fire [human; flames; small]
- FX: Fire [human; flames & smoke; x-small]
- FX: Fire [human; flames & smoke; small]
- FX: Fire [human; jet; x-small]
- FX: Fire [human; jet; small]
- FX: Fire [human; thruster; x-small]
- FX: Fire [human; thruster; small]
- FX: Fire [human; pyre; x-small]
- FX: Fire [human; pyre; small]
- FX: Fire [Covenant; flames; x-small]
- FX: Fire [Covenant; flames; small]
- FX: Fire [Covenant; flames & smoke; x-small]
- FX: Fire [Covenant; flames & smoke; small]
extras> fx> covenant>
- FX: Grunt [Covenant; grunt b-day]
extras> fx> animals>
- Sound: Animal [birds; tidal]
- Sound: Animal [whale; tidal]
extras> sounds> doors>
- Sound: Door [UNSC; small]
- Sound: Door [UNSC; medium]
- Sound: Door [UNSC; large]
- Sound: Door [UNSC; rattle-y]
- Sound: Door [synthetic mysterious]
extras> sounds> music>
- Sound: Music [random; radio]
- Sound: Music [abandoned station]
- Sound: Music [abandoned station; radio]
- Sound: Music [blue team]
- Sound: Music [Blue Team; radio]
- Sound: Music [Covenant chant]
- Sound: Music [Covenant chant; radio]
- Sound: Music [Infected]
- Sound: Music [Infected; radio]
- Sound: Music [last man standing]
- Sound: Music [last man standing; radio]
- Sound: Music [Mantis battle]
- Sound: Music [Mantis battle; radio]
- Sound: Music [Master Chief battle]
- Sound: Music [Master Chief battle; radio]
- Sound: Music [Master Chief fight]
- Sound: Music [master chief fight; radio]
- Sound: Music [monk chant]
- Sound: Music [monk chant; radio]
- Sound: Music [one-on-one]
- Sound: Music [one-on-one; radio]
- Sound: Music [Sanghelios battle]
- Sound: Music [Sanghelios battle; radio]
- Sound: Music [spectating]
- Sound: Music [spectating; radio]
- Sound: Music [Warden]
- Sound: Music [Warden; radio]
Updated Objects
These objects now accept material swap.
gameplay> shields> type> emitters>
- Shield [3x3x24; emitter]
- Shield [3x3x48; emitter]
gameplay> shields> type> generators>
- Shield [4x4x24; generator]
- Shield [4x4x48; generator]
gameplay> shields> type> corners>
- Shield [8x8x24; generator; corner]
- Shield [8x8x48; generator; corner]
structures> floors>
- Floor [16x8x4]
- Floor [16x16x4]
- Floor [32x16x4]
- Floor [20x20x4]
- Floor [24x24x4]
- Floor [32x32x4]
- Floor [64x32x4]
- Floor [48x48x4]
- Floor [64x64x4]
- Floor [128x64x4]
- Floor [96x96x4]
- Floor [128x128x4]
- Floor [256x256x4]
structures> slopes>
- Ramp [4x8x2]
- Ramp [4x16x2]
- Ramp [4x20x2]
- Ramp [4x32x2]
- Ramp [4x40x2]
- Ramp [4x48x2]
- Ramp [4x60x2]
- Ramp [8x8x4]
- Ramp [8x16x4]
- Ramp [8x20x4]
- Ramp [8x32x4]
- Ramp [8x40x4]
- Ramp [8x48x4]
- Ramp [8x60x4]
- Ramp [16x8x8]
- Ramp [16x16x8]
- Ramp [16x20x8]
- Ramp [16x32x8]
- Ramp [16x40x8]
- Ramp [16x48x8]
- Ramp [16x60x8]
- Ramp [24x8x12]
- Ramp [24x16x12]
- Ramp [24x20x12]
- Ramp [24x32x12]
- Ramp [24x40x12]
- Ramp [24x48x12]
- Ramp [24x60x12]
- Ramp [32x8x16]
- Ramp [32x16x16]
- Ramp [32x20x16]
- Ramp [32x32x16]
- Ramp [32x40x16]
- Ramp [32x48x16]
- Ramp [32x60x16]
- Ramp [48x8x24]
- Ramp [48x16x24]
- Ramp [48x20x24]
- Ramp [48x32x24]
- Ramp [48x40x24]
- Ramp [48x48x24]
- Ramp [48x60x24]
- Ramp [64x8x32]
- Ramp [64x16x32]
- Ramp [64x20x32]
- Ramp [64x32x32]
- Ramp [64x40x32]
- Ramp [64x48x32]
- Ramp [64x60x32]
- Ramp [72x8x36]
- Ramp [72x16x36]
- Ramp [72x20x36]
- Ramp [72x32x36]
- Ramp [72x40x36]
- Ramp [72x48x36]
- Ramp [72x60x36]
- Ramp [96x8x48]
- Ramp [96x16x48]
- Ramp [96x20x48]
- Ramp [96x32x48]
- Ramp [96x40x48]
- Ramp [96x48x48]
- Ramp [96x60x48]
- Stairs [8x8x4]
- Stairs [8x16x4]
- Stairs [8x20x4]
- Stairs [8x32x4]
- Stairs [8x40x4]
- Stairs [8x48x4]
- Stairs [8x60x4]
- Stairs [16x8x8]
- Stairs [16x16x8]
- Stairs [16x20x8]
- Stairs [16x32x8]
- Stairs [16x40x8]
- Stairs [16x48x8]
- Stairs [16x60x8]
- Stairs [32x8x16]
- Stairs [32x16x16]
- Stairs [32x20x16]
- Stairs [32x32x16]
- Stairs [32x40x16]
- Stairs [32x48x16]
- Stairs [32x60x16]
- Stairs [48x8x24]
- Stairs [48x16x24]
- Stairs [48x20x24]
- Stairs [48x32x24]
- Stairs [48x40x24]
- Stairs [48x48x24]
- Stairs [48x60x24]
- Stairs [64x8x32]
- Stairs [64x16x32]
- Stairs [64x20x32]
- Stairs [64x32x32]
- Stairs [64x40x32]
- Stairs [64x48x32]
- Stairs [64x60x32]
- Stairs [96x8x48]
- Stairs [96x16x48]
- Stairs [96x20x48]
- Stairs [96x32x48]
- Stairs [96x40x48]
- Stairs [96x48x48]
- Stairs [96x60x48]
- Stairs: Transition [2x20x3]
- Stairs: Transition [2x48x3]
- Wedge [4x4x2]
- Wedge [8x8x4]
- Wedge [16x16x8]
- Wedge [24x24x12]
- Wedge [32x32x16]
- Wedge [48x48x24]
- Wedge [64x64x32]
- Wedge [72x72x36]
- Wedge [96x96x48]
structures> bridges>
- Bridge [8x16x3]
- Bridge [16x16x3]
- Bridge [32x16x3]
- Bridge [64x16x3]
- Bridge: Corner [16x16x3; chamfer]
- Bridge: Corner [16x16x3; angle]
- Bridge: Corner [16x16x3; elbow]
- Bridge [2x20x3]
- Bridge [4x20x3]
- Bridge [8x20x3]
- Bridge [16x20x3]
- Bridge [32x20x3]
- Bridge [64x20x3]
- Bridge: Corner [20x20x3; chamfer]
- Bridge: Corner [20x20x3; angle]
- Bridge: Corner [20x20x3; elbow]
- Bridge [2x48x4]
- Bridge [4x48x4]
- Bridge [8x48x4]
- Bridge [16x48x4]
- Bridge [32x48x4]
- Bridge [64x48x4]
- Bridge: Corner [48x48x4; chamfer]
- Bridge: Corner [48x48x4; angle]
- Bridge: Corner [48x48x4; elbow]
structures> walls> style> simple>
- Wall [2x2x4; simple]
- Wall [2x2x8; simple]
- Wall [2x2x12; simple]
- Wall [2x2x16; simple]
- Wall [2x2x20; simple]
- Wall [2x2x24; simple]
- Wall [2x4x4; simple]
- Wall [2x4x8; simple]
- Wall [2x4x12; simple]
- Wall [2x4x16; simple]
- Wall [2x4x20; simple]
- Wall [2x4x24; simple]
- Wall [2x8x4; simple]
- Wall [2x8x8; simple]
- Wall [2x8x12; simple]
- Wall [2x8x16; simple]
- Wall [2x8x20; simple]
- Wall [2x8x24; simple]
- Wall [2x16x4; simple]
- Wall [2x16x8; simple]
- Wall [2x16x12; simple]
- Wall [2x16x16; simple]
- Wall [2x16x20; simple]
- Wall [2x16x24; simple]
- Wall [2x24x4; simple]
- Wall [2x24x8; simple]
- Wall [2x24x12; simple]
- Wall [2x24x16; simple]
- Wall [2x24x20; simple]
- Wall [2x24x24; simple]
- Wall [2x32x4; simple]
- Wall [2x32x8; simple]
- Wall [2x32x12; simple]
- Wall [2x32x16; simple]
- Wall [2x32x20; simple]
- Wall [2x32x24; simple]
- Wall [2x64x4; simple]
- Wall [2x64x8; simple]
- Wall [2x64x12; simple]
- Wall [2x64x16; simple]
- Wall [2x64x20; simple]
- Wall [2x64x24; simple]
structures> walls> style> detailed>
- Wall [2x2x4; detailed]
- Wall [2x2x8; detailed]
- Wall [2x2x12; detailed]
- Wall [2x2x16; detailed]
- Wall [2x2x20; detailed]
- Wall [2x2x24; detailed]
- Wall [2x4x4; detailed]
- Wall [2x4x8; detailed]
- Wall [2x4x12; detailed]
- Wall [2x4x16; detailed]
- Wall [2x4x20; detailed]
- Wall [2x4x24; detailed]
- Wall [2x8x4; detailed]
- Wall [2x8x8; detailed]
- Wall [2x8x12; detailed]
- Wall [2x8x16; detailed]
- Wall [2x8x20; detailed]
- Wall [2x8x24; detailed]
- Wall [2x16x4; detailed]
- Wall [2x16x8; detailed]
- Wall [2x16x12; detailed]
- Wall [2x16x16; detailed]
- Wall [2x16x20; detailed]
- Wall [2x16x24; detailed]
- Wall [2x24x4; detailed]
- Wall [2x24x8; detailed]
- Wall [2x24x12; detailed]
- Wall [2x24x16; detailed]
- Wall [2x24x20; detailed]
- Wall [2x24x24; detailed]
- Wall [2x32x4; detailed]
- Wall [2x32x8; detailed]
- Wall [2x32x12; detailed]
- Wall [2x32x16; detailed]
- Wall [2x32x20; detailed]
- Wall [2x32x24; detailed]
- Wall [2x64x4; detailed]
- Wall [2x64x8; detailed]
- Wall [2x64x12; detailed]
- Wall [2x64x16; detailed]
- Wall [2x64x20; detailed]
- Wall [2x64x24; detailed]
structures> walls> style> windows> clear>
- Wall: Window [2x16x12; clear]
- Wall: Window [2x16x16; clear]
- Wall: Window [2x16x20; clear]
- Wall: Window [2x16x24; clear]
- Wall: Window [2x24x12; clear]
- Wall: Window [2x24x16; clear]
- Wall: Window [2x24x20; clear]
- Wall: Window [2x24x24; clear]
- Wall: Window [2x32x12; clear]
- Wall: Window [2x32x16; clear]
- Wall: Window [2x32x20; clear]
- Wall: Window [2x32x24; clear]
- Wall: Window [2x64x12; clear]
- Wall: Window [2x64x16; clear]
- Wall: Window [2x64x20; clear]
- Wall: Window [2x64x24; clear]
structures> walls> style> corners>
- Wall [2x2x4; corner]
- Wall [2x2x8; corner]
- Wall [2x2x12; corner]
- Wall [2x2x16; corner]
- Wall [2x2x20; corner]
- Wall [2x2x24; corner]
structures> accents> trims> sections>
- Trim [6x2x10]
- Trim [6x4x10]
- Trim [6x8x10]
- Trim [6x16x10]
- Trim [6x24x10]
- Trim [6x32x10]
- Trim [6x64x10]
structures> accents> trims> corners>
- Trim [8x8x10; corner; out; rounded]
- Trim [8x8x10; corner; out; squared]
- Trim [8x8x10; corner; in]
structures> accents> railings> type> covered>
- Railing: Shielded [1x2x4.5]
- Railing: Shielded [1x4x4.5]
- Railing: Shielded [1x8x4.5]
- Railing: Shielded [1x16x4.5]
- Railing: Shielded [1x24x4.5]
- Railing: Shielded [1x32x4.5]
- Railing: Shielded [1x64x4.5]
structures> accents> railings> type> covered> extras>
- Railing: Shielded [4x4x4.5; corner 90°\
structures> accents> railings> type> heavy>
- Railing: Heavy [1x2x4.5]
- Railing: Heavy [1x4x4.5]
- Railing: Heavy [1x8x4.5]
- Railing: Heavy [1x16x4.5]
- Railing: Heavy [1x24x4.5]
- Railing: Heavy [1x32x4.5]
- Railing: Heavy [1x64x4.5]
- Railing: Heavy [1x80x4.5]
- Railing: Heavy [1x96x4.5]
structures> accents> railings> type> ramps>
- Railing: Ramp [2x4x2]
- Railing: Ramp [2x8x4]
- Railing: Ramp [2x16x8]
- Railing: Ramp [2x24x12]
- Railing: Ramp [2x32x16]
- Railing: Ramp [2x48x24]
- Railing: Ramp [2x64x32]
- Railing: Ramp [2x72x36]
- Railing: Ramp [2x96x48]
structures> barriers> type> heavy> sections>
- Heavy Barrier [16x16x42]
- Heavy Barrier [16x32x42]
- Heavy Barrier [16x64x42]
structures> barriers> type> heavy> corners>
- Heavy Barrier [14x14x42; corner]
structures> barriers> type> energy> start>
- Energy Barrier [4x4x32; generator]
- Energy Barrier [4x4x64; generator]
structures> barriers> type> energy> emitters>
- Energy Barrier [1x3x32; emitter]
- Energy Barrier [1x3x64; emitter]
structures> barriers> type> energy> corners>
- Energy Barrier [8x8x32; generator; corner]
- Energy Barrier [8x8x64; generator; corner]
structures> barriers> type> cages> sections>
- Cage Barrier [16x16x42]
- Cage Barrier [16x32x42]
- Cage Barrier [16x64x42]
structures> barriers> type> cages> corners>
- Cage Barrier [18x18x42; corner; in]
- Cage Barrier [18x18x42; corner; out]
structures> supports> columns>
- Column: Block [4x4x20]
- Column: Block [4x8x20]
- Column: Block [8x8x20]
- Column: Block [4x4x32]
- Column: Block [4x8x32]
- Column: Block [8x8x32]
- Column: Round [2x2x20]
- Column: Round [4x4x20]
- Column: Round [8x8x20]
- Column: Round [2x2x32]
- Column: Round [4x4x32]
- Column: Round [8x8x32]
- Column: Detailed [4x4x20]
- Column: Detailed [8x8x20]
- Column: Detailed [4x4x32]
- Column: Detailed [8x8x32]
structures> supports> struts> simple>
- Support: Strut [8x1x1; simple]
- Support: Strut [8x1x2; simple]
- Support: Strut [8x4x2; simple; triple]
- Support: Strut [9x2x2; simple; left]
- Support: Strut [9x2x2; simple; right]
- Support: Strut [16x1x2; simple]
- Support: Strut [16x1x4; simple]
- Support: Strut [17x2x2; simple; left]
- Support: Strut [17x2x2; simple; right]
structures> supports> struts> detailed>
- Support: Strut [16x1x4; detailed]
- Support: Strut [24x1x8; detailed]
- Support: Strut [32x1x8; detailed]
- Support: Strut [46x1x12; detailed; boomerang]
- Support: Strut [48x1x8; detailed; double]
- Support: Strut [48x1x16; detailed]
- Support: Strut [92x1x24; detailed; boomerang]
- Support: Strut [96x1x16; detailed; double]
structures> supports> trusses> simple>
- Support: Truss [12x4x8; simple]
- Support: Truss [20x4x10; simple]
- Support: Truss [48x4x20; simple]
structures> supports> trusses> y>
- Support: Truss [4x32x20; y; medium]
- Support: Truss [4x44x28; y; large]
structures> supports> brackets>
- Support: Bracket [16x2x6]
- Support: Bracket [32x2x12]
structures> supports> arm>
- Support: Arm [2x16x16; arm]
- Support: Arm [4x32x32; arm]
- Support: Arm [8x64x64; arm]
props> cover> style> solid>
- Cover: Solid [2x4x4.5]
- Cover: Solid [2x8x4.5]
- Cover: Solid [2x16x4.5]
- Cover: Solid [2x32x4.5]
- Cover: Solid [2x64x4.5]
props> cover> style> jersey>
- Cover: Jersey Barrier [3x4x4.5]
- Cover: Jersey Barrier [3x8x4.5]
- Cover: Jersey Barrier [3x16x4.5]
- Cover: Jersey Barrier [3x32x4.5]
- Cover: Jersey Barrier [3x64x4.5]
props> cover> style> street>
- Cover: Street [4x4x4.5]
- Cover: Street [4x8x4.5]
- Cover: Street [4x16x4.5]
- Cover: Street [4x32x4.5]
- Cover: Street [4x64x4.5]
- Cover: Street [8x8x4.5; corner]
props> cover> style> tech>
- Cover: Tech [4x4x4.5]
- Cover: Tech [4x8x4.5]
- Cover: Tech [4x16x4.5]
- Cover: Tech [4x32x4.5]
- Cover: Tech [4x64x4.5]
props> panels>
- Panel [1x8x8]
- Panel [1x8x16]
- Panel [1x16x4]
- Panel [1x16x16]
- Panel [1x16x24]
props> tech> antennas>
- Antenna [1x1x12]
props> construction> beams>
- Beam: 2' [2x4x2]
- Beam: 2' [2x8x2]
- Beam: 2' [2x16x2]
- Beam: 2' [2x24x2]
- Beam: 2' [2x32x2]
- Beam: 2' [2x48x2]
- Beam: 2' [2x64x2]
- Beam: 2' [2x96x2]
- Beam: 2' [3x3x2; corner]
- Beam: 2' [4x4x2; t-joint]
- Beam: 2' [6x6x2; x-joint]
- Beam: 4' [4x4x4]
- Beam: 4' [4x8x4]
- Beam: 4' [4x16x4]
- Beam: 4' [4x24x4]
- Beam: 4' [4x32x4]
- Beam: 4' [4x48x4]
- Beam: 4' [4x64x4]
- Beam: 4' [4x96x4]
- Beam: 4' [5x5x4; corner]
- Beam: 4' [5x6x4; t-joint]
- Beam: 4' [6x6x4; x-joint]
- Beam: 8' [8x4x8]
- Beam: 8' [8x8x8]
- Beam: 8' [8x16x8]
- Beam: 8' [8x24x8]
- Beam: 8' [8x32x8]
- Beam: 8' [8x48x8]
- Beam: 8' [8x64x8]
- Beam: 8' [8x96x8]
- Beam: 8' [9x9x8; corner]
- Beam: 8' [9x10x8; t-joint]
- Beam: 8' [10x10x8; x-joint]
props> construction> pipes> lengths>
- Pipe: Small [2x2x2]
- Pipe: Small [2x4x2]
- Pipe: Small [2x8x2]
- Pipe: Small [2x16x2]
- Pipe: Small [2x32x2]
- Pipe: Small [2x64x2]
- Pipe: Small [2x96x2]
props> construction> pipes> corners>
- Pipe: Small [4x4x2; corner; 90°]
props> construction> pipes> junctions>
- Pipe: Small [4x3x2; t-joint]
- Pipe: Small [4x4x2; x-joint]
props> construction> pipes> covers>
- Pipe: Small [2x1x2; cap]
props> construction> cables> type> capped>
- Cable [1x4x1; capped]
- Cable [1x8x1; capped]
- Cable [1x16x1; capped]
- Cable [1x20x1; capped]
- Cable [1x32x1; capped]
- Cable [1x36x1; capped]
- Cable [1x40x1; capped]
- Cable [1x48x1; capped]
- Cable [1x64x1; capped]
- Cable [1x96x1; capped]
props> construction> cables> type> extras>
- Cable [cap]
props> misc>
- Shelves [4x8x12]
- Pallet [8x8x1; UNSC; metal]
Bug Fixes, Tweaks, and Cleanup:
- Limited the number of CTF flags you can spawn to 16 (to prevent potential crashes)
- Numerous fixes to how duplication and placement is handled
- Fixed Tidal - Meteor Shower having objects appear too bright in the world space and appearing out of place
- Set default abandon/respawn time for Wasp
- Fixed issue with Carbine [Rain of Oblivion] not firing automatic
- Note you will need to replace existing ones in maps for this to work
- Golf object fixes! IE, most important updates of the year!!!
- Party cup physics are now 1/10th the weight making it so golf balls can blast through them.
- Golf tee now has a little cup that helps hold the ball on top of it.
- Removed the Whale ambient noise from the background of Tidal - Poor Robbie
- Made sound emitter to put him back (see above)
- Fixed problem where players could create custom weapon configurations on weapon pads
- Saw awesome community videos and posts on the internet
- Unfixed problem where players could create custom weapon configurations on weapon pads
売り上げランキング: 3,753