Windows UWP(PC/モバイル/XboxOne)向けの有料メディアプレイヤー、
Deplex Media Playerがアップデートし、XboxOneをサポートしました。
- Plays all known video and audio codecs/formats
- Picture in picture (Pip) with support for several display layouts
- Allows Casting to Chromecast and DLNA devices
- Supports casting in slow networks and casting video streams encoded with high bitrate
- Supports casting same content to any number of connected TVs or big screens
- Records and download media content to local storage
- Allows Playing, casting and recording of multiple media content at the same time
- Automatic search and download for subtitles
- Adjusts subtitle display options and supports time adjustment
- Plays content from OneDrive and Media Servers directly without the need to download
- Supports video/audio track selection in media with multi tracks
- Supports video rotation, mirroring and full screen
- Create and organize playlists from several media sources (local files, OneDrive, media servers and from online sources such as YouTube and SoundCloud)
- Remember last position played and resume from that position
- Support video formats: ".3g2", ".3gp2", ".3gp",".3gpp",".asf",".avi",".avs",".dv",".dvd",".divx",".f4v",".flic",".flv",".m2v",".m4v",".matroska",".mkv",".mov",".mp4",".mp4v", ".mpeg",".mpeg1video"
- Support video formats: ".mpegts",.mtv",".mv",".mvi",".ogg",".ogm",".vc1",".vcd",".rmvb",".vob",".webm",".wmv",".wtv",".xmv" ".h261",".h263",".h264",".hds"
- Support Audio formats: ".m4a",".mp3",".rm",".mp2",".flac",".wav",".wma",".wv",".xwma",".aac",".ac3",".act",".amr",".adf",".adp",".afc",".aif", ".aiff",".alaw",".apc",".ape",".ast",".au",".avr",".voc"
- Supports dvd, divx and vcd
- Search, Browse, Play, record and Download from Online media sources (YouTube, Twitch, Vimeo, SoundCloud)
- Drag and drop & open from file explorer and secure startup (login with password)
売り上げランキング: 915